Over her 15 year tenure as Executive Director of Pickens County Habitat, Jill Evans has facilitated homeownership for more than 50 families. As Pickens County Habitat’s first paid employee, Evans has seen Habitat evolve and grow to serve more families. Habitat now employs two additional staff members to coordinate construction and resource development. Jill Evans carries herself with great humility. She approaches homeowners with dignity and respect. “We are called not to bring judgement, but to meet them where they are and see how we can elevate their situation,” says Evans. Her humility may stem from her deeply held faith. Raised in a Christian household, faith has always been present in her life, and she finds peace in her beliefs. “I don’t always get it right, but I try very hard to go about each day thinking, ‘whose path can I brighten? How can I be the hands and feet of Jesus?'” says Evans. Over her long career, Evans has found her niche specializing in non-profit administration. Her development as a nonprofit leader can be traced to her parents. Until COVID-19 struck, Evans’ parents still volunteered for Meals on Wheels at the ages of 83 and 85. “They’ve always modelled helping other people and doing what you can to help your community,” Evans says. Pickens Habitat consistently builds three houses per year. Given the semi-rural nature of the county and the absence of large industry to donate big fundraising dollars, Pickens County Habitat has been remarkably productive. Jill Evans deserves significant credit for Habitat’s success in Pickens County, but she’d be the last one to tell you that. Over its 39 year history, the Habitat team has partnered with 111 families, and it is the second oldest affiliate in South Carolina.